Netresec naturbild

Network Forensics and
Network Security Monitoring

Netresec is an independent software vendor with focus on the network security field. We specialize in software for network forensics and analysis of network traffic.

Our most well known product is NetworkMiner, which is available in a professional as well as free open source version. We also develop and maintain other software tools, such as CapLoader (for big pcap files) and RawCap (a lightweight sniffer).

We at Netresec additionally maintain a comprehensive list of publicly available pcap files.

NetworkMiner logo


NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic on the network. NetworkMiner can also parse PCAP files for off-line analysis and to regenerate/reassemble transmitted files and certificates from PCAP files.

CapLoader logo


CapLoader is a Windows tool designed to handle large amounts of captured network traffic in the tcpdump/libpcap format (PCAP). CapLoader displays the contents of opened PCAP files as a list of TCP and UDP flows. Users can select the flows of interest and quickly filter out those packets from the loaded PCAP files. Sending the selected flows/packets to a packet analyzer tool like Wireshark or NetworkMiner is then just a mouse click away.

PolarProxy logo


PolarProxy is a transparent TLS and SSL inspection proxy created for incident responders, malware analysts and security researchers. PolarProxy is primarily designed to intercept and decrypt TLS encrypted traffic from malware that is run in a controlled environment, such as a sandbox. PolarProxy decrypts and re-encrypts TLS traffic, while also saving the decrypted traffic in a PCAP file.

Additional software from Netresec can be found on our products page.

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Headlines from our Blog

How to set PCAP as default save file format in Wireshark
Did you know that there is a setting in Wireshark for changing the default save file format from pcapng to pcap? In Wireshark, click Edit, Preferences. Then select Advanced and look for the capture.pcap_ng setting. Change the value to FALSE if you want Wireshark to save packets in the pcap file form[...]
PolarProxy 1.0.1 Released
The new release of PolarProxy generates JA4 fingerprints and enables ruleset to match on specific decryption errors, for example to enable fail-open in case the TLS traffic cannot be decrypted and inspected. JA4 FingerprintsJA4 fingerprints provide several improvements over its JA3 predecessor. One[...]
Blocking Malicious sites with a TLS Firewall
Over 90 percent of all web traffic is encrypted nowadays, which is great of course. However, as HTTP and DNS traffic gets encrypted, defenders have a more difficult time blocking malicious network traffic. One solution to this problem is to use a TLS firewall, which effectively blocks encrypted conn[...]
VoIP tab in NetworkMiner Professional
The VoIP tab is a unique feature only available in NetworkMiner Professional. The analyzed PcapNG file comes from a blog post by Johannes Weber titled VoIP Captures. See our NetworkMiner Professional tutorial videos for more tips and hints.
Browsers tab in NetworkMiner Professional
The Browsers tab is a unique feature only available in NetworkMiner Professional. The PCAP files analyzed in this video are pwned-se_150312_outgoing.pcap and pwned-se_150312_incoming.pcap, which are snippets of the 4.4 GB Hands-on Network Forensics dataset from FIRST 2015 (slides). More information[...]
Files tab in NetworkMiner Professional
The PCAP file analyzed in this video is pwned-se_150312_outgoing.pcap, which is a snippet of the 4.4 GB Hands-on Network Forensics dataset from FIRST 2015 (slides). See our NetworkMiner Professional tutorial videos for more tips and hints.
Hosts tab in NetworkMiner Professional
The PCAP file analyzed in this video is MD_2015-07-22_112601.pcap, which is a snippet of the training data used in our network forensics classes from 2015 to 2019. Techniques, tools and databases mentioned in the tutorial: CIDR notationSatorip0fmac-ages Check out our Passive OS Fingerprinting blog p[...]
Opening capture files with NetworkMiner Professional
This video tutorial demonstrates how to open capture files with NetworkMiner Professional The analyzed pcap-ng file is github.pcapng from CloudShark. More info about this capture file can be found in our blog post Forensics of Chinese MITM on GitHub. See our NetworkMiner Professional tutorial videos[...]