NetworkMiner 1.1 Released
We are today very proud to release version 1.1 of NetworkMiner!

The new releases of NetworkMiner (open source version) and NetworkMiner Professional (commercial version) includes the following features:
- Extraction of parameters sent to Google Analytics into NetworkMiner's “Host Details”. These parameters include: screen resolution, color depth, browser language and flash version.
- You can drag-and-drop one or multiple pcap files onto NetworkMiner.exe to have it start up and begin loading the dropped pcap files. You can also submit your pcap files as arguments from the command line.
- Multiple SMB/CIFS and NetBIOS improvements, such as support for multiple simultaneous SMB file transfers over the same TCP session as well as support for NetBIOS Session Service keep-alive messages.
- Added support for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames in pcap files.
- Improved stability when loading pcap files. Thanks to psteier for identifying this bug.
NetworkMiner Professional additionally includes support for Pcap-over-IP, which comes in very handy when you need to access pcap files or network traffic from remote machines or devices. There is, however, no support for Pcap-over-IP in the open source version of NetworkMiner.
Upgrading from NetworkMiner Pro 1.0
We offer free upgrades for users of NetworkMiner Professional 1.0. Just send an email to info [at] with your license number (which you can find under the menu “Help” > “About Network Miner”) and say that you'd like to upgrade to version 1.1.
Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 15 September 2011 17:25:00 (UTC/GMT)
Tags: #Netresec #NetworkMiner #Pcap-over-IP